Because we only have 2 pups in the stranding department, I am getting cross trained for the time being, which means I just spent a week working in aquarium! I sincerely didn't know a thing about aquariums, and I'm not squidin'! Some would rather not help out in aquariums, but that's just shellfish! These aquarium jokes are kraken me up. (That's it, I'm sorry).
I started out each day by washing the windows to all of the aquarium exhibits. Many people don't realize how much cleaning goes in to working in an animal facility. A majority of your day is spent cleaning. I spent most of the week doing whatever aquarium needed me to, which is exactly what I why I was there. I got covered in salt water which left terrible stains (that washed out) and one day I had pieces of krill on all items of clothing I was wearing. It's a messy job.
I did get the opportunity to have an octopus encounter while I was in aquarium! I had just come from food prep, so my hands smelled like squid. Octopus taste with their suckers, which helps them hunt and distinguish a rock from a crab shell. Because my hands were so delicious, Egg the octopus, really liked me... a lot. Just one of their larger suckers can hold up to 15 pounds!
I also got introduced to my new favorite thing: PLANKTON TOWS! A plankton tow is when we go out onto the dock by the SeaLife Center and put out a 10 foot net with a long rope attached, in order to catch plankton. These were my favorite things to do because I learned a lot about copepods and got to be outside to see wildlife and enjoy the beautiful Alaskan weather and scenery.

Brynn emptying out our bounty from our plankton tow
Sea otter relaxing by the dock
I learned so much during my week in aquarium, and I really enjoyed it! I am very fortunate to be able to get cross-trained during my time at the Alaska SeaLife Center. Any experience is good experience!
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